Wednesday, August 20, 2008

create proc

存储过程1 创建存储过程create proc stu_proc1as select count(*) from student
exec stu_proc1 执行
2 修改、删除、重命名alter proc stu_proc1as select * from student
drop proc stu_proc1
sp_rename stu_proc1 old
3 参数存储过程传入参数:create proc stu_proc3@pname char(3)as select * from student where number=@pname
exec stu_proc3 \'103\'
传出参数:create proc stu_proc5@pname char(3),@result char(8) outputas select @result=name from student where number=@pname
declare @a char(8)exec stu_proc5 \'103\',@a outputprint @a//select @a
亦可命名参数、明确指定declare @a char(8)exec stu_proc5 @result=@a output,@pname=\'103\'print @a
4 存储过程的复杂操作使用带有复杂 SELECT 语句的简单过程下面的存储过程从两个表的联接中返回所有学生(提供了姓名)、所学课程。该存储过程不使用任何参数。
USE studentsIF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = \'info_all\' AND type = \'P\') DROP PROCEDURE info_allGO
CREATE PROCEDURE info_allASSELECT,grade.courseFROM stu INNER JOIN grade ON stu.number = grade.number
info_all 存储过程可以通过以下方法执行:
EXECUTE info_all-- OrEXEC info_all
下面的存储过程从四个表的联接中返回所有作者(提供了姓名)、出版的书籍以及出版社。该存储过程不使用任何参数。USE pubsIF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = \'au_info_all\' AND type = \'P\') DROP PROCEDURE au_info_allGOCREATE PROCEDURE au_info_allASSELECT au_lname, au_fname, title, pub_name FROM authors a INNER JOIN titleauthor ta ON a.au_id = ta.au_id INNER JOIN titles t ON t.title_id = ta.title_id INNER JOIN publishers p ON t.pub_id = p.pub_idGO
练习1:制作存储过程显示所有年龄大于26的学生create proc age1asselect name from studentwhere year(getdate())-year(birthday)>26
exec age1
练习2:制作存储过程显示所有年龄大于指定大小的学生create proc age2@pdata intasselect name from studentwhere year(getdate())-year(birthday)>@pdata
exec age2 26
存储过程的注意事项:可使用with recompile 和with encryption两者都可放在参数之后,语句之前其中with recompile会导致每次调用存储过程都会编译,效率变低,但执行效率可能优化,或加入到exec age with recompile中,则会根据需要创造新的查询计划
多行储存过程create proc temp as select * from stuselect * from grade

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